Forecast Services
We offer a range of GB demand forecasts which utilise cutting edge technology to ensure we provide the market leading forecasts to our clients. At our model's core is a in-house developed AI based forecast engine that has been carefully crafted to the nuances of the GB power market. Many factors are at play and our approach allows us to continually test all possible input variables in order to identify the key drivers. It means our model evolves with the market and keeps up with changing consumer behaviour as it happens.
Our national demand and transmission system demand forecasts are trusted by decision makers across the GB power sector. All demand forecasts are included in our online dashboard and/or via API as a data only service.

Wind Power
Amira produce a dedicated large scale wind power forecast for GB that utilises all of the most trusted weather forecast data sources. Our approach uses deep learning to model each wind farm individually; this takes account of the unique characteristics of each site, as well as actions that have been taken in the BM and in the market to curtail generation.
We produce restricted and unrestricted forecasts. The unrestricted forecast represents a true level of generation that could be achieved; the restricted forecast considers actions that we expect to be taken in the BM to curtail generation.

Solar Power
We specialise in solar power forecasts from per site to an aggregate national level. We can build dedicated per site models utilising advanced calibration techniques allowing us to optimise our forecasts for multiple lead times.
Our GB embedded solar forecast utilises a combination of techniques to determine market leading accurate forecasts. Machine learning statistics should only be implemented in power forecasting with a solid understanding of the underlying physics involved. Many factors are at play to produce a forecast that is truly fit for purpose which will be suited exactly for your needs.
Per Site Wind & Solar
We offer highly competitive forecasting for wind and solar site across GB and Ireland. We will optimise any model to your desired lead time if requested, and build an optimised forecast utilising any accessible site metering data available.

Residual Load​
Residual load is key to understanding power prices in a renewables dominated power system. Our residual load screen for GB shows a holistic view of the short term power market and is an essential tool for any GB power trading desk. It combines our own forecasts of demand and renewable generation as well as the latest interconnector nominations and our own interconnector forecasts. The result is a clear and accurate view of what the all important marginal generation fuel will be.

Power Price ​
Amira’s GB power price model brings together all the data on our platform to provide clients with reliable and actionable price forecasts. Our price forecast products are an essential tool for any GB power business and cover the main EPEX Intraday and Day-ahead GB power markets:
- Day-ahead Auctions 1 & 2
- Intraday Continuous

Power prices in GB have for many years been established using the concept of marginal pricing; this is the principle that the most expensive generator required to meet the demand on the system at a given time will set the power price. This concept sits at the core of our day ahead price model which evaluates this marginal price for each half hour over the next 14 days. Our models benefits from our own high performing forecasts of demand and renewable generation as well as from integrating the latest available market data.
Service Provision
​Our key services include as standard:
14 day half hourly forecasts
Forecasts updated each half hour with the latest power/weather metering data
Delivered via API/SFTP and/or dashboard integration
UK Technical support with a dedicated personal contact via telephone / e-mail.
Ongoing model revision and development updates
99.9% system uptime guarantee